Help? You’ve never needed help from anybody. Your parents’ trust fund ensured that. But ok, here are some controls:
“look” — Uses your eyesight, the most important sense of all in a game where there are no pictures! Get specific by looking “at” things if you feel as though you are an expert.
“take” — Used in conjunction with an object, adds that object to your inventory.
“use” — Used in conjunction with an object, makes use of that object’s use, by using it.
“move” or “go” — Used in conjunction with a direction (east, north, etc.), moves your little feet in that direction.
Your alarm goes off and you slowly awake. Ugh, what a cliché way to start your day! You remind yourself that you are a poet, and better than that, you are an MFA student, a member of an exclusive club of thousands of students around the country. You taste stale Pabst on your breath. Your room is dark, apart from your clock which says 3:30. Shit, that’s early. Fuck.
What do you want to do now?