Dan Beachy-Quick


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sand and what is
sound, the nacre-sound,
this heart’s acre, bound, unbound
o irritant speck
all this dust you call clouds
all this doubt you found
just by thinking I am
not quite complete
ly alone o prism o prison
I thought the whole thought
mind the dirt holy ground


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what is alone cannot
what is a fact alone cannot
what is in the low clovers’ slow
thousand-fold stems cannot from poppy
to what poppy is or from rose to what’s a
rose cannot self-inflict desire more clear
in words if we did not know it we could not
guess what in fact gathers
the patient field into empty chambers
a worker in the brood nest works what is
alone cannot live


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less secret wars said:
murkiness rules the limits:
days any drone hit the vast
exempt: death
reported he had been killed:
promise-threshold: a complex
threat: condemned the incoming
relation with the past:
many years since the beginning
times: strike peace
into force but also: kill
the month / killed / wounded / killed /
died / deed / killed thought:
his weapon was peace


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once I lived in quiet all kind
all kinds of song I once lived
in quiet all of each one of me lived
o worm o mind o yes worm you you
wind silk around the hunger thoughts
patient bind and bide, bide and bind
what sun defines this song denies
this error in the circuit that grinds
as it guides o rut o halo o spiral
of time be calm be quiet as the lost do
doubt it even as it sings o song


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what honey-heavy portable heaven
requires law to wander law to swarm
to keep beneath the thousands-thick hum
the queen cloaked in royal-scent warm
any hollow can be a home
as when a fact feeling suddenly weightless
leaves in the mind a little room
where the bliss-busy drone might cease to roam
exclude this thought from the hive’s whole stress
usefulness dies when command closes
heaven’s wax vault and love’s honey loan


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a first drone
rules the troubled known:
it will be uncomfort
able work: stop
and express rain in every
day: stop the
drone ignoring even the
drone: drone
is the vast out-said: drone
of describing as “just”
ever more
transparent sight strict
er rules


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hear nothing hum
some hum here is nothing’s
whole song it lets the sun be
not quite music it lets the sun be dumb
calms nerves in nervous thumb
thinks this blank inside a word
silences what this this is knows
nacres the irritant grain
some call mind
just a pearl just a pearl that learns to
mindless shine


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even to the exile
whose hunger is his wandering home
the rainbow doubles in height ultraviolet
not peace as promise but prism’s violence
kind shatter of white sun’s stream
what a drop less then dew can do
in air to air it is the task of the drone
to reunite the mosaic parts o bright bright
flowers of the wondering field wild
to produce in the hole a whole
o drone produce a whole in the mind


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open a new heart
away from the epic: that day
terror might all
end: approach in drone
the danger: to the: to the
used places: that threat
cannot approach alone the
secret: a day
drone does not drone
desire: draw down
the past and more than time died
in drone: also that now of no
further details: the
world under the veil


ART: Paul Ferragut, Leo Katunaric, Stefanie Schneider

FICTION: Bridget Apfeld, Jennifer A. Howard, Laura Schadler

NONFICTION: Joy Katz, Shena McAuliffe, Kate Partridge, Rob Schlegel

POETRY: Dan Beachy-Quick, Carrie Fountain, Jules Gibbs, Alen Hamza, H. L. Hix, Anna Maria Hong, Krzysztof Jaworski, Thomas Kane, Eric Kocher, Jennifer MacKenzie, Andrew Nance, Paul Otremba, Kate Partridge, Beth Woodcome Platow, Catie Rosemurgy, Claire Sylvester Smith, Lesley Yalen

ET CETERA: Glenn Shaheen’s
“POET The Game”

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