Matt Shears: Resembling Bendable Swans

Bendable Swans

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Surgically, the stitch of afternoon
yellows splay-bottles or the organs
of grounding feathers. Wallow
masterful incendiaries, this
cellophane plucked apple rot,
or remember September as weevil,
this past Wednesday as ammoniac,
burnt festivals as timberlines in landscapes
tottered by violent retching,
or suckled wells of prehistoric leeches.
You favor dilemmas, as war
favors consequence—even feathers sift
in mushroom clouds—and sunset
is a speculative hedge-fund
that returns your bloodless love. Certain
boxes cherish their unbreakables. Childhood
is a pricked inspiration that beckons
fireworks displays or more sensible
outings: street-side calisthenics,
gazebo-strumming or tax-deductible browsing.
In this bodily exchange of miracles
one sees the lost world, lasers
dancing a delicate myth, slimmingly
undulant in the flooding scrapyards.


FICTION: Lisa Beebe, Karl Harshbarger, Lauren Johnson, J. Robert Lennon

NONFICTION: Matthew Gavin Frank, Deborah Thompson

POETRY: Melissa Barrett, Thea Brown, Lauren Camp, Sampurna Chattarji, MRB Chelko, Patrick Culliton, John Gallaher, Ricky Garni, Meghan Lee, Kristen Orser, slp, Meghan Privitello, Megan Pugh, Amelia Salisbury, Matt Shears, Raena Shirali, Dolsy Smith, Avni Vyas, Elizabeth Whittlesey, Nicholas Wong

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