The Promise Is New Life

Shane McCrae

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Grandmother most of it

for most of it I       wasn’t there for most of it

And are you resting now do you await

The new heavens and the new earth

The promise as I’ve come to understand the promise

is / New life       and when you told me God

The voice of God       you heard a voice

Told you to go to church

I laughed

and your new pastor drove a black Ferrari

grand-       / mother for years I knew your mind

was going for years before

A doctor told me and I knew

And still I thought you were

Crazy and you could choose       to not be crazy and you wouldn’t choose

To not be crazy

mocking you felt good

Better than praying for you

now that I pray


ART: Jenn Brehm, Jason Polan,
Grant Willing

FICTION: Kirby Johnson, Anjali Sachdeva, Chad Simpson, S. E. Smith

NONFICTION: Laura E. Davis, Aaron Gilbreath, Alexandra Kimball, Elena Passarello, Alison Stine

POETRY:Samuel Amadon, Will Arbery, Elizabeth Arnold, Melissa Broder, Kara Candito, John Lee Clark, Graham Foust, Kit Frick, Paul Killebrew, Kyle McCord, Shane McCrae, Geoffrey G. O'Brien, Sandra Simonds, Bruce Smith

ET CETERA: Flannery O'Connor Soundboard, Poetry Bingo